
Shocked! Did I get a false Blythe?Scary story that was really there.



A Blythe doll is a deluxe doll.


Even if it is cheap, it costs 10000 yen.



The price of a Blythe doll has caused various troubles.


We can get to know more about such troubles through public screen of app.



Some day you may get a false Blythe doll.



I’ll tell you some instances and the way of discern.




Scary story that was really there.



Fundamentally we exchange without seeing the face in app and auction.


Of course there are many good people.


In fact I made some friends through app.



But it is an important to know there are some bad people.


Nobody protects you.


Be aware of the danger because a Blythe doll is deluxe.


Some sellers work fraud and some buyers work fraud.



I’ll tell you scary story that was really there.



Case1 Which tells a lie?


The trouble happened about a popular Blythe doll “snow flake sonata”.


The buyer bought the Blythe doll by 30000yen and said that she got a false Blythe doll.


But the seller didn’t admit the Blythe doll was a false doll.


The buyer thought the Blythe doll false because makeup is thin.



There seemed no feeling of pearl.


Pearly feeling of Snow flake sonata is strong, so the buyer thought the Blythe doll false.



Finally the trouble was solved by returns and refund.




Case2 capture fraud


Never forget a capture fraud if you buy or sell a Blythe doll.


A lot of capture fraud have happened in app and auction.


The buyer works fraud.



I’ll tell you the way of a capture fraud.


At first I’ll tell you the system of “Merukari”.



The seller can get money after the buyer get goods ane give an evaluation.



But the seller gets a message from the buyer.


“The Blythe has a trouble and I sent the Blythe doll”.



After that you can’t get the Blythe doll.


As a result you can’t get money and the Blythe doll.



This is the capture fraud.


The buyer may change a real Blythe doll and a false Blythe doll.





The things we can do not to be cheated by a false Blythe doll.


Let’s check the examples of the false Blythe doll.



There is a false Blythe doll which is admitted among the fans of a Blythe doll.


It is an ICY doll which is made in foreign countries.


Everybody can easily find an ICY doll false because the face of the ICY doll is very unique.


We can buy Neo size doll by 6000yen.


If everybody can find the Blythe doll false, they can admit.



The trouble is a doll which we can’t find false.


Neo Blythe is a deluxe doll which is bought by tens of thousands of yen.


If the Neo Blythe which you bought by 50000 yen turns out to be false, you will be very shocked.



The safest way is to buy a Blythe doll from Takara Tomy.


There are some false Blythe dolls in net shop.


The box and outfits are very similar.



Be careful about the following Blythe.


・Simply guaba


・Simply mango


・Urban cow girl


・Last kiss






Did you like it?


I’ll tell you scary story that was really there.


A Blythe doll is very deluxe doll so be careful of yourself.



Thank you for reading to the end.




